Python and Django Free Certification Course: Python And Django Framework And HTML 5 Stack Complete Course

Python and Django Free Certification Course
Python and Django Free Certification Course

Python and Django Free Certification Course: Python And Django Framework And HTML 5 Stack Complete Course

Python and Django Free Certification Course: This course is designed for both students and working professionals who wish to enhance their skills in Python and web development using the Django framework. You can apply the coupon code to enroll in this course at no cost. All interested candidates are requested to join the course before the coupon code expires. Check the full course details and coupon code below.

Python and Django Free Certification Course Details:

What you’ll learn:

Learn how to deploy Django projects to the web.

Master the Django web framework to create dynamic web applications.

Learn to integrate HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript with Django.

Understand and implement the Python programming language in a web development context.

Build professional, scalable websites and web applications.

Learn how to work with databases using Django’s ORM (Object-Relational Mapping).

Create and manage user authentication systems with Django.


  • A computer, Access to the internet, An interest in learning Python
  • Only the very basic computer skills are needed


Learn Full Stack Course With  Python, Django framework, And HTML 5 From the Beginning in Full Stack Course 2022

  •   Created thorough, extensive, but easy-to-follow Hours of content that you’ll easily understand and absorb.The course starts with the basics of  Python fundamentals, programming, and user interaction in full-stack course
    The curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we walk you from start to finish to become a professional HTML 5, Python developer. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you HTML 5 Basics then Python basics and programming fundamentals, and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python so you can get real-life practice and be ready for the real world.
  • The topics covered in this course are:
* Beginner to Expert Python contents:
  • Array implementationFile methodsKeywords and IdentifiersPython TuplesPython BasicsPython FundamentalsData StructuresObject-Oriented Programming with PythonFunctional Programming with PythonLambdasDecoratorsGeneratorsTesting in PythonDebuggingError HandlingRegular ExpressionsComprehensionsModules
  • Django Framework With Building Projects:Django Web Framework, you will learn the fundamentals of web applications. web applications using Python Django Web Framework.
    • Build website and web applications
    • HTML and CSS for front-end web development
    • Bootstrap for responsive web design
    • Python
    • Django for creating robust websites and web apps
  • * Brief Introduction To HTML 5:

HTML Basic Tags

List Tags

HTML Attributes



HTML Blocks

  • See you inside the course!

Who this course is for:

  • For Complete Python Programming Beginners
  • For People New to Python,Django Framework And HTML5

How to Join the Python and Django Free Online Certification Course?

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To enroll in the Python and Django Free Course, sign up on and log in. Use the coupon code provided below to avail this course for free.

To Join the Course: Click Here

Coupon Code: B143B198205B44DDD454

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