PHP with MySQL Free Online Course : PHP with MySQL | Build Real Estate Management System

PHP with MySQL Free Online Course
PHP with MySQL Free Online Course

PHP with MySQL Free Online Course : PHP with MySQL | Build Real Estate Management System

PHP with MySQL Free Online Course : A free course on PHP with MySQL typically begins with the fundamentals of PHP. Students learn about the syntax, control structures, and functions that form the backbone of the language. Through hands-on exercises, learners become familiar with creating basic scripts and embedding PHP into HTML.

As the course progresses, participants delve into MySQL, learning how to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) records in a database. How to manipulate data is essential for any web application. Students learn to design databases, establish relationships between tables, and execute SQL queries effectively.

PHP with MySQL Free Online Course Details :

What you’ll learn

  • Learn to set up the right environment when getting started with coding
  • Build a complete authentication system
  • Learn to do advanced coding with hashing and un-hashing passwords
  • Create an amazing admin panel
  • Learn file uploading and how to fully update and delete it
  • Learn to fix bugs along the way of developing this web app
  • Build a multi input based search form
  • Learn to work with Database complicated queries like (Joins and Wild Cards)
  • Create a category system
  • Limit the user ability to access sensitive data by protecting it
  • Warp your head around cool programming concepts like validations
  • Learn to upload multiple images
  • Learn web development tips and tricks along the way


Do you want to build something great? Something that’s relevant and creative? Are you a beginner in web development and want to start creating a big and amazing project? If yes, then, this course is definitely for you. In this course, I made sure that you will get the best experience building this project. I put too much effort into building and enhancing it.

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We will start naturally by creating the config file and preparing our folder structure and then building the whole back-end code from start to finish. We are going to also create an authentication system which is a crucial part in building any modern web app nowadays. After this, we are going to dive deeper into the project by building the inside pages. So, we will display the Properties in various forms and ways based on price and type, and so on. And then we will move on to a different part and which is building the details page for every property and this will contain a lot of functionality.

On this page, we are going to allow the user to add properties to favorites and send a request to the agent to meet up and talk about the property, these two features especially require great validation that we are going to implement. Something else that we are going to build is an admin panel and in it, we will handle a couple of things like creating admins and processing properties creating them and deleting them and we will show requests for every agent and so on. And that’s not all. There are a lot of details to talk about in this project. So if you like this and if it seems like something you are interested in, go ahead and get the course now.

Who this course is for:

  • People who learned PHP and MySQL and want to build a full project
  • Developers who want to build their CVs
  • Aspiring programmers who want to level up their development skills with new techniques

How to Join the PHP with MySQL Free Crash Course?

To Enroll for PHP with MySQL Free Course you have to sign up on and then they must log in there. Kindly put the coupon code mentioned below to avail this course for free.

To Join Course : Click Here

Coupon Code : PHPREALESTATE49  

To Join other free course please Click hereRequirements

  • Knowledge of PHP, MySQL and PDO
  • Very little knowledge of Bootstrap


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