C++ Free Certificate Online Course : Learn C++ from scratch in Arabic – for beginners
C++ Free Certificate Online Course : Online Free Course on C++ is Provided by Udemy. This C++ Online course is for all the Students and Working Professionals who want enhance their Skills in C++ . You can Apply Coupon Code to get this Course in free of cost. All Interested Candidates are requested to join the Course before the Coupon code gets expired. Kindly check all the details about the course and coupon code in this posts below.
C++ Free Certificate Online Course Details :
What you’ll learn
- C++ user inputs and output on screen
- C++ variables
- C++ data types
- Scape sequence, comments and types of errors
- Arithmetic Operations & expressions
- Control structures
- Functions and function overloading
- Variables’ scope
- Calling by value & calling by reference
- C++ arrays and const variables
- C++ char and strings
- Some solved problems
- There are no perquisites to start this course, only have a PC / laptop or even your mobile!
In this course, you will learn the C++ programming language basics from A to Z in Arabic!
The content of the course as in sections and videos;
01: 1. Why programming.
2. Computer language.
3. Programming language.
4. Comparison between C & C++
5. Download code blocks.
6. Use online editor.
7. Use Dcoder for phone.
8. Your first program.
02: 1. Binary VS decimal number system
2. ASCII code
3. Variables.
4. Data types.
5. Program to get the area of a rectangle.
03: 1. Escape sequences.
3. Types of errors.
4. Arithmetic operations.
5. Expressions.
04: 1. Sequenced control structures.
2. Selection control structures.
➢if, else if, else statements.
➢Switch, case, default statements.
3. Break & continue statements.
4. Repetition control structures.
➢While loop
➢Do .. while loop
➢For loop
5. Notes
6. Program to find remainder and quotient.
7. Sentinel-control repetition.
05: Revision – 10 problems to solve.
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06: 1. Why Functions?
2. A Function Definition.
3. Function Calls.
4. Function Prototype.
5. The Return Statement.
6. Returning Void.
7. Parameters versus Arguments.
8. Local Variable(s).
07: Revision – mini project. (calculator)
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08: 1. Functions
❑Why Functions?
❑Copy-Paste Coding.
❑User-Defined vs. Built-in Functions.
❑Functions’ Declarations.
❑Functions’ Declaration Syntax.
❑Prototypes & Libraries.
2. Returning Values and Arguments’ Types
❑Returning a Value.
❑Argument Type Matters?
3. Function Overloading
4. Variables’ scope
09: 1. Recursion (Recursive Functions)
2. Passing Arguments
❑Call / Pass by Value.
❑Call / Pass by Reference.
❑Returning multiple values.
10: ➢Arrays.
➢Multi-dimensional arrays.
11: 1. Char in C++
2. C++ strings
• Definition of string
• String functions
12: Revision – 4 problems to solve.
Who this course is for:
- Computer science students.
- Those who are totally beginners in programming field.
- Those who want to start problem solving using C++ programming language.
How to Join the C++ Free Crash Course?
To Enroll for C++ Free Course you have to sign up on Udemy.com and then they must log in there. Kindly put the coupon code mentioned below to avail this course for free.
To Join Course : Click Here.
Coupon Code : FREE5SEP24
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